Error Code Range: 100-199
100 - Null
101 - NotSupported
The attempted operation was not supported.
102 - NotImplemented
The attempted operation was not implemented.
103 - ArgumentNull
The argument '{0}' cannot be null.
104 - ArgumentOutOfRangeDefault
The argument '{0}' was outside of the allowed range.
105 - KeyNotFound
The key '{0}' was not found in the collection.
106 - IndexOutOfRange
The index '{0} was out of range.
107 - ObjectDisposed
The object '{0}' cannot be accessed since it has been disposed.
108 - GenericInvalidOperation
Unknown operation.
109 - GenericInvalidOperationWithInfo
Invalid operation: '{0}:{1}:{2}'
110 - UnexpectedError
Unexpected error: '{0}'.
111 - InvalidArgumentFormat
The argument '{0}' was not in the correct format.
112 - ArgumentInvalid
The argument '{0}' is invalid.
113 - ErrorFormatString
{0} [{3}-{2}{1}]
114 - PublishRule
Failed to publish rule {0}.
Failed to publish workflow {0}.
116 - ObjectNotFound
The requested object was not found.
117 - DoNotSupportLink
External objects of type '{0}' do not support being linked to workflows.
119 - DefaultError
Unexpected error.
120 - UnknownConditionOperator
The condition operator '{0}' was not expected.
132 - InvalidWfxFile
The uploaded workflow definition (.wfx file) is invalid. The name and\or description tags are missing.
133 - GetWorkflowError_Name
Could not find the workflow '{0}'.
135 - RetrieveDefinitions
An error occurred while retrieving the workflow definitions.
142 - RuleNotUnique
A rule with the name '{0}' already exists.
143 - WorkflowInsertFailed
Failed to add the workflow '{0}' to the table.
147 - WorkflowNotUnique
A workflow with the name '{0}' already exists.
152 - GroupRoutingErrorCreate
A database error occurred while navigating to the next user in the group.
153 - GroupRoutingErrorRequest
A database error occurred while navigating to the next user in the group.
154 - GroupRoutingErrorUpdate
A database error occurred while navigating to the next user in the group.
155 - EmptyGroup
Group '{0}' has no users to route to.
158 - WorkflowAssemblyLoadError
Failed to load the assembly for workflow '{0}'.
171 - GetAllUsersFailed
Failed to retrieve the list of all users
177 - ConflictingServerLicense
The workflow service was terminated because a workflow server with the same serial is running. IP Address: {0}
178 - CanNotDeleteWorkflow
The workflow '{0}' cannot be deleted because there are still running instances.
187 - CanNotDeleteWorkflowVersion
The workflow '{0}' version '{1}' cannot be deleted because it is the only version of this workflow.
188 - MultiplePublishingErrors
There were {0} errors during publishing. See Server error log for more details. First error: {1}
189 - MaxADOConnections
Unable to create connection. The number of connections has reached the maximum allowed.
191 - EventCode_UiSetupFailure
event code for initialization of UI settings.
192 - EventCode_SettingsFile
event code for initialization of the settings file.
193 - EventCode_ConfigFileFailure
event code for initialization of the config file.
194 - EventCode_RootNodeFailure
event code for initialization of the root node.
195 - EventCode_ErrorSettingLanguage
event code for initialization of the current language.
196 - EventCode_LoadingUserConfiguration
event code for when reading the user configuration failed.
197 - EventCode_SavingUserConfiguration
event code for when saving the user configuration.
198 - InvalidConnectionString
The Workflow database is not configured. Run the Configuration Manager to resolve this issue.